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Welcome to our PTA page!  

Since we returned to school in September, the PTA have organised lots of events in school. Of course, with the coronavirus pandemic we have not been able to run events such as the Barmy Bingo and the school Christmas Fair is on hold but we have involved the children in a number of exciting activites. Keep checking this page as we go through the year to see what we have been up to.


Happy Halloween!

Pumpkin Hunt

The children all took part in a Pumpkin Hunt around the school grounds. Various pictures of pumpkins were hidden around school that children had to find, which spelt out a secret message. Pizes were awarded for the children who succesfully cracked the code in each year group.


Pumpkin Carving

Children were invided to take pictures of pumpkins they carved (see the video below for all the entries). There were some weird and wonderful entries. The winner was Eoin in Year 4. Well done to everyone who took part!


Window Displays

Some families decorated their windows at home and sent us pictures (see the video below for all the entries). The winning window (and fireplace!) belongs to Michael in Year 4.


Family Photo

Families were also encouraged to take a photo of themselves dressed up in spooky costumes (see the video for all the entries below). The winning family was Brooke (Year 3), Evie and Izzy (Year 5). They looked pretty scary!


500 Words Story Competition

The children were invited to write a spooky, 500 word story. There were lots of entries and some very scary stories. See the video below to see some children reading exerts from their stories. The winners were Noah and Darcey in Year 5. Noah also created a powerpoint of his story which you can see below.


Fancy Dress

On the last day of term, children were invited to contribute a £1 to dress up in Halloween costumes. Pictures of the children can be seen on the class pages. Many children joined in and had really gone to town with their costumes.


Westfield Rocks!

In school, all the children painted a rock with images that celebrated community, friendship and love. Children who paid a £1 then took their rocks home and put them out somewhere in the community. On the bottom of each rock was a number and the PTA email address. Members of the community were invited to email the PTA if they spotted one with the number they had seen. We received lots of emails of rocks being spotted and lots of lovely comments from members of the community who thought the idea celebrated community and harmony and really brightened up their day. The rocks that were not taken into the community were placed in the quad garden in school.

Pumpkin Carving, Window Dressing, Family Group Competitions

Still image for this video

Scary Story Competition

Still image for this video

Scary Story Competition

Still image for this video
One of our winners - Noah - also sent in a Powerpoint presentation which he had made and this is it. All the stories have been given to teachers to read with their groups.
------------------------------------------------       PTA Events 2019-2020      --------------------------------------------------------------
PTA Summer Fair The PTA Summer Fair is next Friday 14th June 2019 6-8pm we hope to see you all there! If anyone is able to help in any way, the following items would be very welcome: Bottles for the tombola Unused items for the general tombola Chocolate tombola items Books of good quality Raffle prizes inc items & vouchers that anyone can donate personally or via contacts such as local businesses. We will, as usual, run the raffle ticket prize draw for pupils who bring items into school. We will also hold our usual non-uniform day on Friday 14th June and would please request that children bring a cake contribution for the stall in lieu of a non-uniform donation. Our annual children’s competition will be ‘Fruit & Veg Creatures’. Pupils can make ma creature (e.g. cat, dog, animal, bird, alien) and bring it into school on the day of the fair. A £5.00 voucher and runner up prizes will be presented for winners. Raffle tickets have already come home. Thank you to everyone who has returned theses already. Please can any outstanding tickets be returned as soon as possible. As always, any additional help setting up on the stalls or clearing away would be really appreciated. Let’s hope the sun shines and we all have a great evening!