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Year 4

Summer 2

Oh I do like to be beside the seaside!

Leading up to our Scarborough / Sea life Centre trip, we will be looking at the geography of the coastlines and exploring some of the animals we hope to find in the rock pools near to the Sea Life Centre! It’s going to be lots of fun. We will also raise some debates about whether commercial buildings should be erected close to our beaches.        

Pond Life 

Summer 1

This term, we will be focusing on pond creatures and learning about their habitat. We are looking at the artist Elizabeth Berrien and will be designing and making 3D dragonfly wire sculptures. We will write non-chronological fact files about pond animals. In science we are looking at living things and their habitats which we will explore during our trip to Denso, where we go pond dipping.

Big class debate!


As part of our science topic this half term, we had a look at how humans have impacted on the habitats of many animals. The class was split into four groups and each group given a different area to research and present. We looked at the effect of urbanisation, intensive farming, global warming and deforestation on different habitats. We had a fantastic discussion in class. The children drew some amazing posters and gave some really compelling presentations about their research. Well done 4I for such fantastic hard work!


James was proud to tell everyone how he is already helping, "I told the class about our hedgehog door in the fence in my back garden."


David learned a lot about his favourite animal, "We need to save trees so monkeys can still have homes."


Milly said, "It has been fun drawing our posters! I really loved learning about how we can save bees."




Releasing the butterflies!


We were lucky to have watched some caterpillars turn into butterflies in class. It was time to set them free and it was amazing to watch them fly away.


Alfie said “The butterflies were really nice and brightly coloured but they felt really furry when I picked one up.”


Alannah commented, “I miss the butterflies in class because they were nice and colourful to look at.”

Releasing the butterflies!

Pond Dipping at the Denso Marston Nature Reserve

Still image for this video

The Mighty Mayans

Spring 2

This half term we will be learning about the Mighty Mayans. We will be exploring the Mayan Empire and comparing it with British History. As the Maya discovered cacao beans, we will be carrying out chocolate related activities and will practice our culinary skills by creating a Mayan Feast during our design and technology work. We will also be reading and writing stories based upon 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.' 

'We made masks, it was hard, but they are amazing!' Ryan Burke

Fantastic World Book Day Outfits

Raging Rivers - Spring 1

After an exciting start to the new term, where we have looked at volcanoes, flooding, mountains and earthquakes during Our Powerful Planet project, Year 4 will be continuing to learn about rivers in more detail across the curriculum areas. As well as learning about river formations and the water cycle, we will study bridges in DT. We aim to research famous British architects who have designed bridges and try out some of their techniques ourselves

Fantastic work from our topic! 'You had to balance the bridge carefully.' Freddie.

Powers and Potions - Autumn 2

During the second half of the Autumn term, our work will revolve around the creation of magical potions. Our Science topic will be ‘sound’ where we will be investigating pitch and volume and finding patterns between the pitch of a sound and features of the objects that produced it.

'Making potions was cool! Ollie

Today in our science lesson we went outside and made sound maps. Lola agreed the plane was really loud!

Who were the Romans? - Autumn 1


Our first topic during the Autumn term was Who were the Romans? We covered the Roman invasion of England and learnt about the rebellion of Queen Boudicca. We also considered what the Romans did for us and their importance in shaping England as we know it today. Our Roman trip to Murton Park was very exciting.

In our art we looked at and created Roman mosaics, and looked at teeth and digestion in our science work. We have been learning a musical instrument in our music lessons.

We loved being taught to skip

"I loved everything that we were taught!" Oliver B

"I loved the skipping game!" Jess F

"I liked skipping because it makes me happy." Lola B

'It was 95% awesome making the intestines.' Callum

"I loved learning about the Roman lifestyle!" Paige G

"I loved training to be a Roman Soldier!" Gracie

We had lots of fun making the digestive system.

"I loved how slow the whole process was!" Archie M 

"I liked getting my hands dirty." Cameron

Our Roald Dahl Day costumes were fantastic!
