Aireborough Learning Partnership Trust
Yeadon Westfield Junior School is proud to be a member of the Aireborough Learning Partnership – a Co-operative Trust.
To find out about how our Trust continues to grow, please follow the ALPT weblink below.
The ALPT is a Co-operative Trust made up of primary and secondary schools in Aireborough, with the intention of raising standards through mutual support.
Key objectives of the Trust:
Raise standards and attainment for all children in the partnership.
Increase and create vibrant learning opportunities for all.
Create strong working relationships between all cooperative members.
Use resources in a more creative and collaborative way.
The Trust aims to make a difference through:
Enhancing learning teaching and curriculum development.
Sharing resources and expertise.
Maintaining and enhancing our extended services.
Inclusion and social cohesion.
Please follow the links below for details of our yearly Community Art Projects: