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5H - Haworth

Summer 2 - Circle of Life.

Have a read of some of our 'Blogs' that we have creating in Computing lessons!

This half term we will be learning about the life cycles of plants, animals and humans. We will also be doing some art work based on the work of Vincent Van Gogh.

Enjoying our team building and sustainable travel day.

Summer 1 - Brazil!

This half term we will be learning about Brazil. We will learn about the geographical features of the country as well as the people who live there. In technology we will be cooking and eating Brazilian food and will be attending a workshop which celebrates Samba music.

Visit to Roundhay Park and Tropical World

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In one session we looked at the animals and plants in Tropical World, and in the other, we went into the woods to study the trees.

Roundhay Park Woods

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For homework we made Brazilian Headresses

Spring 2- Smashing Saxons

This half term we are learning about the Anglo Saxons. We will learn who they are, when they lived and how they lived. We will also be attending a trip to Dunstan's hall where we will live as Anglo Saxons for the day! We will make bread and learn how to fight.

We really enjoyed creating inventions for National Science Week!

“I really enjoyed presenting our work to the rest of the class.” 

George Scott

“I really enjoy creating our product”

Maizie Lister

“I really enjoyed creating the poster to advertise our product” 

Oliver Goldthorpe

Our world book day costumes.

Learning fighting skills.

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Threshing and winnowing

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Making bread

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Spring 1 - Extreme Earth!


This half term we are learning all about natural disasters, we will be looking at what causes natural disasters to occur as well as the destruction which they cause. Our main focus will be Earthquakes but we will also be looking at some Tsunamis and creating some  Hurricaine art work.

Our Topic Launch.

We wrote and performed storm compositions.

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Group 2

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Group 3

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Group 4

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We created Tsunami dances in P.E

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Group 2

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Group 3

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Group 4

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Autumn 2 - To Infinity and Beyond 

This half term we are learning about the earth, sun and moon.

This topic will be launched by children planning their own mission to Mars, where children will decide what objects they would take on their expedition. We will also be attending The National Media & Science Museum on a school trip.

We got to see The Soyuz Capsule Tim Peake went to space in.

Our Topic launch - Planning a mission to Mars.

In Technology we worked in groups to make Space Buggies

We really enjoyed making Space Buggies!

In English we performed poems in groups.

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Group 2

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Group 3

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"I really enjoyed making the space buggies because it was a lot of fun and I have never used a saw before"

Josie Bell

"The school trip to the Science & Media Museum was amazing and we learnt lots about space"

Freya- Mae Barber

"I have really enjoyed learning about the sizes of the different planets and how far away they are, it has been really exciting"

Gracie Horner- Glister

Autumn 1 - Groovy Greeks

Our first topic in the Autumn term is ‘Groovy Greeks’ where we will find out about life in Ancient Greece. This topic began with a very exciting Ancient Greek murder mystery to solve!

In Science we made Helicpoters and then investigated whether the weight of an object affects the time taken for it to fall.

Here's one group dropping their helicopter.

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In D.T we have used our sewing skills to make Ancient Greek puppets.

" I really enjoy DT because we got to sew our own puppets, this allowed me to be creative which I really enjoyed" Thomas Scargil


"I loved learning about the first ever Olympic games, I like watching the modern Olympics so it was good to learn how they started"

Tony Cheung


"I really enjoyed writing a story about the Minotaur because I really like thinking of similes and adjectives"

Corben Bridgman


"I loved doing the murder mystery at the start of the topic because it was a challenge but also really good fun"

Finlay Shaw
