Summer 2
Our final half term together in Y4, how the year has flown by! This half term we will be seeking all bright sparks while we learn all about electricity in science. The weather is warming up for our seaside topic and our trip to Scarborough. In music we will be creating our very own seaside wraps. We also have a tennis festival to look forward to this half term (fingers crossed for sunshine). Our writing focus is going to be a newspaper report about plastic in the ocean and the damage it is causing to our planet.
Summer 1
Finally, the weather is looking up and just in time for our pond life topic! We are going on our pond dipping trip and this will help support our science focus on living things and their habitats. In English we will be producing chronological reports based on animals living in and around ponds. Our Art focus will be based on pond life and creating 3D sculptures using wire and music will be based around relaxation music; a great link to our Y4 yoga focus!
On Friday 20th April we went on our pond dipping and mini beast hunting trip to the Denso Marston Nature Reserve on the bank of the river Aire at Baildon.
Spring term 2
This term our focus is based around the water cycle. This will link with our science topic and writing an explanation text in English. The children will design and build their own bridges in DT and of course we will have the chicks to look after! Maths will have a focus around fractions and decimals.
Spring Term 1 - 2018
Our first topic during the Spring term is: Mighty Mayans. We will look at Maya civilisation, looking at temples and making links with Maths. Our topic will have close links to our English focus text - Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Our Science focus will be on States of Matter, including investigations involving solids, liquids and gases and how states can change.
Autumn Term 2 2017
Our second topic during the Autumn term is: Welcome to Hogwarts. We will experience first hand what it's like to be a wizard at Hogwarts. The children will receive their Hogwarts letters and will get sorted into the four Hogwarts houses. They will play Quidditch, make potions and even drink Butterbeer! Our Art focus is looking at two artists, John Howe and Alan Lee. Our science topic this term is Sound. Our exciting Music topic will also be linked to Harry Potter!
4K and 4I played Quidditch matches against each other in their house teams. Ten points were given to Chasers scoring with the Quaffle, the Beaters used the Bludger to distract members of the opposing team, and the Golden Snitch was even caught in one match by the seeker! Children brought in cloaks and broomsticks to use and really got into the spirit of Quidditch!
Lily- "Buddy is cheeky and silly and he was riding my broomstick!"
Spencer G- "I was excited to see his hand popping out of the box when he arrived."
Maddison- "He's really funny and cheeky!"
Jack - "I enjoyed dressing up as a Roman and using the shields and swords"
Bethany - "We got to dress up as Romans and we had lunch in a hut"
Dominic - "It was really fun because we got to use swords"
Imogen- "It was nice to make them with everyone and look at what everyone in class had made"
Lewis- "I enjoyed making potions at school"
Lucas- "It was really good fun and exciting"
Lily- "It was nice to work together"
Eleanor- "Making the jigsaw and talking as a class captured everyones feelings about anti bullying"
The children arrived at school to find 4K transformed into the Great Hall. The children were called forward to be sorted into their houses and drank Butterbeer to celebrate. The children then ate jelly beans, but were they tasty or were they disgusting?
Alfie - "It was fun and surprising to get sorted into our houses"
Eleanor - "I found it exciting but I was a bit nervous. I was relieved to be in Ravenclaw"
Edie - "The letters had a red stamp on them. It was exciting! "
Eleanor - "The letters were inspiring"
Our first topic during the Autumn term is: Who were the Romans? We will cover the Roman invasion of England and learn about the rebellion of Queen Boudicca. We will also consider what the Romans did for us and their importance in shaping England as we know it today.
Our art focus will be looking at and creating Roman mosaics, and we will be looking at teeth and digestion in our science work. Our exciting music this half term will also be linked to the Romans!
Bethany - "We worked in teams with different people and it was fun"
Lily - "I liked working in teams and I liked solving the case of the sugar snatcher"
Yasmine- "We shared ideas and the best part was finding out who was guilty"
Edie-"They make me smile"
Lucas- "When we got them in our classroom they kept jumping onto the box and it was funny"
Kaitlen- "It's nice that we all get to see them"
Maddison- "I liked looking at the Roman Artefacts and looking at how things have changed since the Roman times"
Hayden- "I liked looking at the baby bottle"
Lucy- "I liked looking at the Roman coins and how different they are to the coins we use now"