Summer Term 2 - Eco-Schools
In Year 3, we are focusing on the topic of ’ Healthy Living’ with an intention of
understanding life skills required to look after our bodies and minds.
In Year 3, we will be focusing on ’Healthy Living’ by focusing on what it means to look after our bodies and our minds. We aim to carry this out by creating individual Mindfulness books focusing on personal goals of ways to connect, to give, to keep learning, to be active and to take notice. We have an exciting project planned and led by the children to improve ‘Jack's’ garden in our school grounds where we will decorate with our own wind chimes and dream catchers. Finally, we will celebrate our final project with a picnic in the garden reflecting on our time spent there.
How can you help?
We would appreciate your help in collecting and sending in any old CDs and keys.
Summer Term 1 - Bring me Sunshine
Our first Science theme this term, will involve investigating the different parts of a plant, paying
particular attention to the parts of a flower and the jobs that each part carries out. We will
also find out about plant life cycles. We will try to grow our own plants and investigate
different conditions a plant needs to flourish. Our art focus will be drawing sketching and painting
plants and flowers. In Geography, we look at locating countries around the World and then focus on Europe, identifying key physical and human characteristics of places. France is our final destination, where we will learn about the types of settlement, land use and economic activity before comparing Paris to Leeds.
Spring 2 - Footprints from the Past
Our topic this half term is linked to The Stone Age to the Iron Age period in history where we will be looking at how people lived within this time. In Science, we will be learning about skeletons and muscle during this half term. We will be looking at strengths, challenges and celebrating differences in PSHE and who can inspire us in our RE work.
SPRING TERM 1 - What Makes the Earth Angry?
The first half of this term we will be looking at volcanoes across different curriculum subjects. We will learn about the earth’s structure and different types of rocks and soils within our science work and in Geography, we will be exploring the location of well-known volcanoes. In Art, we will be creating volcano pictures based on work of American artist Margaret Godfrey, introducing children to shading techniques and different mediums. In PE, we will be learning the basics of Karate and we will also focus on dance and the stages of a volcano eruption. We will be making our own volcanoes, using them to produce our own volcanic eruptions!
Welcome to Year 3
It has been great finally getting the children into school and getting to know them better.
Our topic for Autumn Term is ‘Adventure down the River Nile’, where we will be learning about life in Ancient Egyptian times and comparing it with life today. We will began by exploring where in the world the River Nile is located and it’s importance to the settlement of Ancient Egyptians. We will discover the secrets of the pyramids, how and why they were built.
Our English lessons will use Ancient Egypt as a stimulus for writing both explanatory texts and a fictional story about a Temple Cat. We will begin to learn how to word process in ICT lessons and create a moving picture in Design Technology using levers and linkages.
Our Science topic this term is forces and magnets where we investigate things that are attracted to a magnet and explore the force of friction on different surfaces.
In maths we will be looking at number, with topics on Place value and multiplication and division.
All Year 3 children will have PE on a Tuesday and Friday. PE will be outside as much as possible so please ensure the children have appropriate PE kit for the cooler days.
It will be a busy and fun Autumn Term.
Ancient Egyptian Day
The children have had a fantastic Ancient Egyptian day exploring our tomb! We have read the story of a Temple Cat and discussed what it might be like visiting a real tomb filled with treasures.
''The collar had jewels that reflect the light with the torch'' ''it was gleaming'' - Charlie E.
''I liked the tomb. It is quite a discreet place. It was dark and had special things. It was almost disguised''- Poppy.
''The temple looks dark and mysterious''- Ameliah C
We have been studying the physics of forces. We carried out an investigation into how different surfaces affect the force needed to pull an object and in doing so learnt about friction.
"I liked finding out about friction." Jaxon
"I found it exciting to use a Newton meter." Sophie
"I liked finding out about the pull force needed to move a chair." Owen
"We tested different surfaces for friction. I liked using the Newton force meter because of the spring in the middle." - Ameliah C
"If it was easy to pull on then it used less friction. The more friction was harder." - Maddison
In the build up to our Big Write, we followed instructions to Mummify a piece of fruit. These are some of the things children thought of the activity:
"I thought it was really fun." Chloe
"It was interesting learning how to do this." Samuel
"It was really interesting how natron can preserve fruit." Emmanuel
" It was tricky to cut the fruit in half." Owen
"Now I know how the Egyptians mummified dead bodies." Amelia
"I have liked watching the tomatoes change. Some of them have got mouldy and some have shrunk with little wrinkles on the outside. The tomatoes without the baking soda have rotted quicker". - Poppy