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3B - Burnsall

Lots of fun during cycling day!

Aireborough Rotary Club

Thank you to Aireborough Rotary Club for presenting all the Year 3 children with dictionaries. We were all very excited. 


Summer term

Roots, Fruits and Shoots.

This term we will be learning all about fairy tales in English, reading a variety of stories, working on role play and writing our own character descriptions with inference.

We will be growing beans and investigating the conditions plants need to grow.

The Royal Wedding Day.

DT - We designed, made, and evaluated healthy sandwiches.

English - 'Working in teams to write character descriptions was fun and exciting.' Monty Massam

Spring Term 2018

Footprints from the Past


Our topic in the second spring term was linked to 'The Stone Age to the Iron Age' period in history, where we looked at how people lived within this time. 

In Science, we investigated rocks and soils.

Have a look at all of the fun we had at Herd Farm for our Stone Age Day.

Fantastic book day costumes.

Herd Farm - Our Stone Age Trip

Spring Term 2018

What makes the Earth Angry?

Our first topic this term was ‘What makes the earth angry?’ We learnt about and sorting different types of rocks within our science work. We explored earthquakes and volcanoes, including the location of well-known volcanoes.

In Art, we created volcano pictures and made our own volcanoes, using them to produce our own volcanic eruptions!

We also had an exciting 'Computing day' where we took old laptops to pieces!

'Computing day was very exciting!' Martha

We had a super start to our new topic today. We watched videos of exploding volcanoes and used our senses to imagine what we could hear, smell, see, taste and touch, writing down a range of similes and adjectives for impact. After we made our own 3D volcanoes using card and tissue paper, finally using cola and mentos we exploded them!


We exploded our volcanoes!

'It was super fun and really sticky when we exploded them!'    Nellie

Autumn Term 2017


In the Autumn term we began with our transition topic where the children learnt about life at the Junior school. We discovered what life was like 3000 years ago in Ancient Egypt in our exciting topic ‘Time to Meet a Mummy’. We learnt about farming, the importance of the River Nile, the fascinating pyramids, the pharaohs and the different stages of mummification! In Science, looked at ‘Forces and Magnets’, comparing and grouping a variety of everyday materials on whether they are attracted to a magnet. We then investigated human and animal skeletons. In music lessons we composed and performed Egyptian music. DT involved investigating and making levers and linkages during our mechanical systems work.

'The party was fantastic!' Samantha

'The clay was really sticky!' Kaylan

Ashleigh 'Rock climbing was fun, it felt scary at first but it was good.'

Milly did a fantastic assembly on diabetes.

We had a special visitor in from the museum service.

Temple Cat Day

'My mum made my costume all by herself.'
'I am a bandaged mummy!'
'I enjoyed asking the cat questions and waiting for the answer.'

11.10.17 - We had a fantastic time solving a crime on Enterprise Day!

We have been learning about place value, using apparatus and practical methods.

We voted for our class reps inside the hall in real booths!

We dressed up in Roald Dahl costumes for Roald Dahl day and wrote wish messages in bottles.
