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Healthy Schools

Our healthy school

At Yeadon Westfield Junior School we encourage all children and staff to be as healthy as possible. We do this by:

  • Ensuring a healthy lifestyle is promoted within SMSC 
  • Promoting healthy pack lunches with a reward system to encourage children to make the healthy choice
  • Offering a large variety of out of school hours sports clubs including alternative sports
  • Take an active part in the Modeshift stars award, promoting active travel (currently hold a silver award)
  • Ensure chances to represent the school in a sport are shared out equally, in order to give everyone a chance 
  • Work with local sports clubs and businesses to provide children with a variety of sports and activities
  • Ensure school dinners provided are in line with up to date national guidance

We realise that PE can play a huge role to encourage a healthy lifestyle.

Year 4 learning different cooking techniques

Our School Food Ambassadors

Children enjoying free fruit organised by our Food Ambassadors

Cooking fajitas from scratch. Lots of lovely fresh vegetables!


Monday 3rd July - Sports Afternoon

Our school sports afternoon took place on Monday 3rd July. There were sack races; three-legged races and the egg and spoon race. The year 6's had a leavers race/ obstacle course at the end of the afternoon - it was very exciting. The parents even raced each other! Read the quotes below about what some of our pupils' thought of the afternoon:


Yasmine - 'In sports day I enjoyed the egg and spoon race, the sack race and the dad's race...'


Year 3 pupil - 'On sports day I loved doing the egg and spoon race'.


Lucy - 'I enjoyed sports day, especially the mum's race'.


Rylee - 'I enjoyed sports day because it was not raining and because everyone took was amazing and awesome'.


Poppy - 'Sports day was lots of fun and we all tried very hard'.

Loving the cycling

Still image for this video

Loving the cycling

Still image for this video

Loving the cycling

Year 5 - 'It was challenging when we went up hill!'


Year 5 - 'It was great fun when we were rewarded with chips and gravy!'

Enjoying being part of the Tour de Yorkshire

The whole school loving a Joe Wickes workout

Walk to school week prize winners

Being inspired at a Sky For Living event

Children taking part in a Yoga class to promote Well-Being

Our School Ambassadors taking part in a training event!

A bikers breakfast as part of the big pedal

Enjoying cross country training on a lunch time

Our fantastic food ambassadors

Prize winners for making the healthy choices in their packed lunches

Learning about a healthy lifestyle from no other than the Brownlee brothers

Trying out fencing in our alternative sports clubs

Road safety panto as part of our modeshift stars silver award

Making our own fabulous lentil soup and then eating it

Well done to all the children who competed at the sports hall athletics- we finished second and qualified for the plate quarter final.

We are preparing for our sports hall athletics

We have teamed up with Nuffield Health in order to offer free nutritional advice for parents. Sally came in to give a presentation to parents.

Our alternative sports club enables children to experience a wide variety of sports

All our practice paid off as we went on to win the table tennis tournament. Well done everyone

We have started learning how to play table tennis for an up and coming tournament

September 2016 - We have launched our packed lunch guidance with a presentation to parents regarding our policy.

We will happily lend scooters to encourage children to try out scooting

Our scoot the root has encouraged lots of scooter riding well done to our prize winners

Year 6 thoroughly enjoying karate during PE

Our alternative sports club enabled a vast amount of children to take part in a version of the Hunger Games

Growing and eating our own vegetables.

BNF Healthy Eating Week - June 2016

During the week 13th June to 17th June our children were encouraged to take part in the British Nutrition Foundation (BNF) Healthy Eating Week 2016.


The purpose of the BNF Healthy Eating Week was to provide a dedicated week in the year where schools across the UK can simultaneously focus on healthy eating and drinking, cooking, food provenance and being active to promote key health messages and habits to young people.


During the week children were given five health challenges and asked to focus on one challenge each day. Have a look at the documents below for more details about what these 5 challenges were.


On Tuesday 14th June the whole school had great fun running, walking and skipping around our school playing field to see who could do the most laps! Even Mr Hiley, Mrs Clarkson and Mrs Stansfield did a spot of running. The event was organised by Mr Hiley and Mr Atkinson and thank you to any parents that helped cheer on the children and helped with refreshments. An overall winner of the most laps from each class and a child for the best effort both received a medal from Mr Hiley and Mr Atkinson for their achievements. A super start to the 'Get Active' challenge.  


If you would like to look further into healthy eating you can do by using the following links:

This week all children took part in a fun run for health week.

Change for life club is now well truly up and running every Thursday morning, enjoying the sunshine.

Modeshift Stars

The big pedal prize winners. Well done all those who took part.





Yeadon Westfield Junior School is working with Modeshift STARS


Modeshift STARS (Sustainable Travel Accreditation and Recognition for Schools) is a national schools awards scheme that has been established to recognise schools that have demonstrated excellence in supporting cycling, walking and other forms of sustainable transport.

The scheme encourages schools right across the country to join in a major effort to increase levels of sustainable and active transport and in so doing, improve the health and well-being of children and young people.


Education Objectives

  • To increase levels of sustainable and active modes of travel for journeys to educational establishments.

  • To support the provision of skills, training and experiences to enable young people to travel more actively, safely and independently.

  • To celebrate and share best practice in the promotion of sustainable travel choices.


    Modeshift STARS works to reduce car use and increase the number of children walking, cycling and taking public transport on the journey to and from school. By creating a strong community where sustainable travel is the norm, the school is a more attractive place for future families and staff. Academic achievement, enhanced pupil and staff health, improved environment around the school site and a stronger cohesion within the school community will bring many rewards to the school in the short and long term.

    Mode - shift: Schools that are involved in an accreditation scheme are more likely to reduce car use and increase healthier modes of travel like walking and cycling for all children.


Modeshift STARS Healthy Schools Award

Modeshift STARS is the national schools awards scheme that has been established to recognise schools that have demonstrated excellence in supporting cycling, walking and other forms of sustainable travel.  School entered a competition with Modeshift STARS and won this bike!

We have Won the Bronze Award

Going for Silver



Silver Award – Action Plan


Cycling Actions                                                                                            

Target Date

Dr. Bike/cycle maintenance sessions.

March 2016

Bikers Breakfast.

March 2016

The Big Pedal.

April 2016

Pupils loan scheme for bikes and scooters.

July 2016

Cycle purchase scheme for staff.

April 2016



Walking Action


Whole school walking to church at Easter.

April 2016

Pupils taking part in Change 4 Life.

March 2016

Active travel for two weeks – prizes given to children who participate every day.

April 2016



Smarter Driving Actions


Car free zone.  School to inform parents of areas where parking is not allowed, through newsletter and maps.

April 2016



Road Safety Actions


Year 4 classes/travel ambassadors to survey traffic outside school at the start of the school day.  Leaflets to be given to those dropping off outside school.

July 2016



Promotion Actions


School to display active travel maps, Leeds cycling maps and bus timetables for the local area in outside notice board.

July 2016

School to develop a notice board showing active travel activities.

July 2016

School to add all active travel activities to the ‘Healthy School’ page of the website.

July 2016



Curriculum Actions


School to develop a lesson to be delivered to all classes promoting the benefits of active travel.

July 2016



Partnership Actions


School council to work with Westfield Infant’s school council to generate ideas to promote active travel.

July 2016



Consultation Actions


School council to produce minutes to their meeting regarding active travel.  Present minutes to the governors of the Teaching and Learning committee.

July 2016

Pupils work generated from active travel and survey lesson.

July 2016

School to carry out parent surveys about travel to school initiatives.

July 2016




Dr. Bike

The Golden Table

This is our first term back...well done to the children who got on the Golden Table!

This week's Golden Table!
