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PSHE Statement of Intent


Resilient           Respectful          Inspired          Curious


Healthy Humans at Yeadon Westfield Junior School


An individual’s physical, mental and social attributes affect all aspects of their lives, both as a child and as an adult. The study of PSHE (personal, social, health and education) enables children to acquire the knowledge, understanding and skills they need to live independent, healthy and fulfilling lives. At Yeadon Westfield Junior School we believe that children’s PSHE underpins all their learning and affords them greatest opportunity to reach their full potential.


PSHE extends beyond the classroom and, indeed, underpins how our school community operates daily. We take every opportunity to support children with their development:

  • Informally through, promoting restorative ways of resolving any issues which arise including our peer mediator programme
  • More formally through, assemblies, lessons, circle times, interventions, visitors and trips.

This breadth of experience allows children to practise and embed the attributes needed to thrive as respectful and resilient individuals, family members and as part of the wider world.


Our robust curriculum encourages curiosity and reflection whilst also challenging children to apply their understanding to practical, real-life situations thereby preparing them to manage the challenges and responsibilities they will face growing up in a rapidly changing society. Our programme of study inspires the children to be enterprising, make positive learning and career choices, support them in making effective transitions and develop economic wellbeing. The critical components of our PSHE provision provide opportunities for children to clarify their values and attitudes; explore the complex and sometimes conflicting range of attitudes they encounter now and in the future; actively promote British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and encourage mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs to prepare our pupils for life in modern day Britain.


Our curriculum is split into 7 main themes:

  • Physical health and wellbeing
  • Keeping safe and managing risk
  • Identity, society and equality
  • Drug, alcohol and tobacco education
  • Mental health and emotional wellbeing
  • Careers, financial capability and economic wellbeing
  • Relationship education

We also have a very active School Council and Harmony Group which represent student voice. They meet regularly and lead valuable work within school on behalf of our children as well as linking with the local community.


As part of PSHE, we begin to teach Relationship and Sex Education (RSE) in Year 5, which continues into Year 6. We keep parents and carers well informed of the approach we take and the material covered in these sessions. We aim to keep lines of communication open and create a safe environment where questions can be raised, and any further support or information can be received.


What do the children at Yeadon Westfield Junior School think of PSHE?  We asked a group of children some questions to find out!


 What is PSHE?

 "Learning about right and wrong." Lexie

 "Learning about health." Freddie 

 "Teaching you about controlling your emotions and also learning about mental and physical health." Aiden 


What do you enjoy about PSHE?

"I like how it lets you know what to do and sets you up for the world ahead." Jasmine

"I like doing crafts linked to our objectives and learning new things." Maddison

"I enjoy learning about myself." Alicia


What have you been learning about this year in PSHE?

"Mental health." Ollie

"About drugs and smoking. This is so that we know how to be healthy and why we shouldn't smoke or do other drugs." Alicia

"About gender stereotyping and discrimination." James







Autumn 2023 - Year 6

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Year 6 have been learning about drugs and the effect they can have on the body. In these videos, the children tried on 'alcohol' goggles which allowed them to experience what it might feel like to be drunk.


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Autumn Term 2023 - Year 3 - Team Building

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We worked in small groups to complete a practical challenge: To design and make a marble run that would take a marble over the River Nile to safety.
We thought about our feelings before we started the challenge and then began making our marble run. Each group demonstrated their marble run and then we voted with our feet to decide on the best design.

Autumn Term 2022 - Whole School PSHE Activities

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Her are some examples of work done by each year group.

Autumn Term 2022 - Year 6 - Being Safe

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Hannah, from the Leeds United Foundation, came to teach the children about being safe, what anti-social behaviour was and most importantly, about being safe online. In the first clip, there were pieces of paper on the floor with different scenarios on and the children had to decide if the scenarios would have a positive or negative influence on us and then move to the positive or negative side of the room. Another activity was to guess/know the age you had to be in order to do certain things e.g. buy a lottery ticket, drink alcohol. In the second clip, the children were asked, 'at what age can you be arrested?’. The children then had to move to different ages around the room. In the third clip, the children are doing some drama on different safe and unsafe situations and what they would do in those situations.

Summer Term 2022 - Whole School PSHE Activities

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NSPCC Certificate 'Speak out, Stay Safe' - June 2022

Spring Term 2022 - Whole School PSHE Activities

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Spring Term 2022 - Year 4 - First Aid

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The children have been learning basic first aid skills, as part of our PSHE topic, such as how to make a call to the emergency services, what to do if someone is choking or having an asthma attack, what to do if someone has a head injury, how to treat burns and what to do if they find someone unconscious. They then had fun wrapping each other up with bandages!

Autumn Term 2021 - PSHE

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Autumn Term 2021 - Anti-Bullying Week

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Different classes have approached Anti-Bullying Week in a variety of ways. Here is a selection of their work.

--------------------------------------------------------------- 2020-2021 -------------------------------------------------------------------------

Summer Term 2021 - Year 4 - First Aid Continued

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We have been learning how to put an injured person onto the recovery position.

Spring Term 2021 - Whole School PSHE Programme

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This an outline of the PSHE programme for the spring term. It contains examples of pupil work. Please remember you can use the pause button to examine any work in more detail.

Spring Term 2021 - Year 4 - First Aid

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First aid is part of the PSHE scheme. We have been learning how put on triangular bandages, dress wounds, call the emergency services and deal with emergencies. We learned a lot and had some great fun at the same time.

Autumn 2020 - Whole School PSHE

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Year 4 Mind Mate Wall Display Autumn Term 2020
