Parent Voice - Your thoughts on Seesaw (our remote learning platform) and the 2021 January - March National Lockdown
This year has obviously been a difficult one with the children spending the majority of the Spring term in lockdown. We would like to thank all the parents and children for their hard work throughout this time, especially when accessing Seesaw. When we returned to school, we sent a questionnaire out about the remote learning and we would like to share some of the results with you.
91% of parents found using Seesaw successful.
64% of parents thought the amount of work set each day for the children was the right amount and 88% said that the content of the work was suitable for their child.
One of the main things that parents commented on was that the children really benefitted from receiving daily feedback from their teachers which included rewards right from the start of the lockdown.
We asked parents for any feedback they would like to give us. Here are some of the things that parents shared:
'Both our children enjoyed being able to video, upload content and record themselves. They also enjoyed viewing the feedback, I found that when items were commented on or good work stamps were given, my children really engaged better with that day's learning'.
‘The links to different websites that showed and explained the work rather than being paper based like before meant it didn’t require me to teach it to her which really helped both myself and my daughter while I was trying to work too’.
‘My son really enjoyed being able to up load his work in different ways and having the option to print things in advance too was great. It was a good mix of challenges and projects’.
‘She loved the feedback on her work, it made her feel valued and still part of the class’.
‘The timely feedback from teachers was very helpful’.
Most of the parental responses to the difficulties of using Seesaw were, in general, about internet or technology problems. Here are our responses to some of the parent’s feedback:
‘It would have been good if you could message your teachers’.
Once we had launched the online learning Seesaw learning, a guide was sent out to parents about how to use the basics of Seesaw including how to message the teachers – all pupils could respond to their teachers comments by replying.
‘I feel there should have been more teacher led lessons, twice a day’.
We agree and have amended our remote learning policy to reflect this should we go into a lockdown situation again.
‘To maybe send e-certificates for good work stamps/awards to those remote learning’.
We also think this is a good idea. A new reward system was set up for all the remote learners and the children in school to follow just after the lockdown was announced. We did not want to the children at home to be unable to receive good work stamps while the children in school would still be able to earn badges so we thought a different system for all during the lockdown would work best. All children, both in school and out, made their own reward chart to keep during the lockdown. The first reward assembly back once all the children were back in school celebrated the remote learners and all the golden stars that week were remote learners but having something emailed/attached on Seesaw during a potential future lockdown to those remote learners would be a good way to celebrate work.
Thank you once again for all your support and to everyone who completed this survey.
A reminder to parents that we do now have a school Facebook page. Information about up and coming events can be found here.
You can find our Facebook Page by searching Yeadon Westfield Junior School. It is the page that has the school badge as its picture. If you 'Like' this page then information will appear on your Facebook News Feed.
Behaviour Policy Review Meeting
Monday 15th April 2019
2pm School Bungalow
Come along to our parent voice meeting and coffee afternoon and find out about our restorative approach and how this informs our Behaviour Policy. We are currently looking at ways to update this and would welcome parent views as part of this process. Hope to see you there, Mrs Piotrowicz.
Thank You!
Thank you to the parents who attended the Parent Voice Morning on Thursday April 26th 2018 in Grassington from 8.30am - 10am. Please see below for what was discussed.
Feedback from The Parent Voice Meeting on 26/4/2018
Once again thank you to all the parents who attended the Parent Voice Meeting. You provided us with great feedback and information about all topics discussed can be found in the document below.
Parent Survey - Autumn term 2017/18
Thank you to all parents who provided us with valuable feedback in our Autumn survey. We are currently reviewing the feedback and looking to make any improvements that are possible.
Congratulations to the Brear Family who won the prize draw winning a voucher to be used at Morrisons.
Keep a close eye on your email inbox's for the Spring Survey with more prizes to be won.