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At Yeadon Westfield Junior School we recognise that due to the nature of our Infant and Junior schools being two individually run schools on different parts of the site, the move from Year 2 to Year 3 may seem like a big step for both children and parents alike, therefore we do everything in our power to make the move as smooth and easy as possible for all involved. 


As a fundamental part of our school community we value the support that parents/carers offer and actively encourage home/school cohesion in supporting children to reach their full potential as they face the next stage of their education. 


We understand the need for reassurance, advice and support that parents/carers may express at this time and recognise the importance of effective communication in addressing any concerns. With mental health and well- being in mind, this programme aims to alleviate any anxieties relating to the pending changes.


Children naturally pass through a number of stages as they grow and develop, a natural part of growing up is developing skills to cope with these changes.  Although the children face transition each year as they move from one year group to another, in the case of our Year Two children an even bigger transition is the move from Infant School to Junior School


Each year we carry out a full transition programme which has been developed by both the Infant and Junior staff.  Each subsequent year we have gained feedback from parents/carers, teachers and children which has helped us to evaluate and further develop the programme to meet the needs of the children, parents/carers.


Helping children to attend, achieve and enjoy school is also about acknowledging and addressing their emotional well- being – this is done effectively by supporting the children through this transition programme. The strong links developed with the Infant School and Junior Schools have enabled us to support children at the point of transfer by facilitating a proactive approach in addressing transition for each Year 2 class, small groups and individual children. 


Beginnings and endings can generate both positive and negative feelings and a mixture of emotions such as excitement, happiness, uncertainty and vulnerability.


The children take part in school visits by the Junior School staff, visits to the Junior School site, practice days and additional visits. On arrival at the Junior School transition includes activities such as circle time, games, stories and art activities which provide the children with the opportunity to identify their thoughts and feelings around transition in a safe and secure environment. The children, for example, develop ‘problem solving’ skills by firstly identifying their worry and/or concern, then collectively discussing them and exploring solutions with their peers.  By developing their own coping strategies, the children’s resilience is increased which empowers them to cope with these experiences.   


Please be assured we will work hard to ensure your children get the very best transition experience we can give them and will settle happily into the Junior School. We look forward to September and the opportunity to get to know you and your children. 
