Please also visit our curriculum page on our website (see link below). This has a wide range of activities and events that happen at our school under each subject heading.
Ancient Greece
Our main topic in the Autumn term is Ancient Greece, where we study the ancient Greek civilisation; their
achievements and influence on the western world.
Through our History, English and Reading lessons, children will look at everyday life; they will research who the gods were that the Greeks used to worship, Greek architecture, the theatre and the Arts, famous Greeks and the Olympics. In computing, we will be improving our skills in using Microsoft Word and creating our own research files about Greek food. We will also be learning about computer systems and networks. In Science, we will be learning about Forces: gravity and the effects of air resistance, water resistance and friction. As part of our Muddy Puddle day, with a Greek focus, we will be making Greek food including souvlaki and Greek salad as part of our DT. Children are welcome to come dressed in Greek costume for the day.
After half term, we will be continuing our Ancient Greek topic, linking this again with a variety of subjects. In Science, we will focus on finding out about Earth and Space; our solar system, our Sun and our Moon. We will rise to the challenge of designing and making our very own battery powered Mars Rovers in DT.
In RE, we are learning about special places and journeys. Today, we had a visit from Reverend Caroline from St John’s Church. She spoke about Christian pilgrimage and shared people’s accounts of their journeys and her own experience. She explained that Christian pilgrimage is not just about journeys but also about keeping God in your heart.