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Art and design at YWJS

Art and design Statement of Intent


Resilient          Respectful         Inspired       Curious


Artists at Yeadon Westfield Junior School


At Yeadon Westfield Junior school we place great emphasis on the importance of Art and design.  It is one of the only times in which artists have the chance to express themselves creatively, with individuality, but without barriers.  Art and design is often the only opportunity that some children will have to try out new skills and experiences and be inspired by other artists.


We aim to develop curiosity by giving the children the chance to expand and develop their creativity and knowledge whilst nurturing their imagination. Their journey through our school will give them chance to express themselves through a range of chosen mediums whilst experimenting with different materials and bringing their ideas to life. These skills will be enhanced by using great artists, architects and designers from history to inspire their own work.


Art and design is a great opportunity for the children to learn about resilience and respect and to be able to review, refine and master their own and the techniques of others. Our artists will have embedded the key art and design skills needed to create inventive pieces of art.


During their artistic journey thorough YWJS, our artists will have been exposed to and encouraged to develop skills in drawing, painting, sculpture, collage, textiles and printing. They will be inspired by the work of other artists and have been encouraged to use their own curiosity to explore and develop their own ideas.


At the end of their time at YWJS, children will have been exposed to and be able to confidently use their sketch books creatively and analytically to review and improve theirs and others work. This reinforces the resilience of the artist their respect for others.

Art and Design Curriculum Policy 2021-2024

Comments from pupils:


Year 3:

"I like Art because it calms me down a lot and it is very fun because we get to explore new things." (Emily)

"I like Art because of all the colours and different art things that we do. We use all kinds of colouring things like chalk, paint, water colours, oil pastels and crayons." (Amelia)


Year 4:

"I like it when we draw everything." (Madeline)

I think Art is very relaxing and I am good at it." (Savannah)


Year 5:

"I like Art because I find it very calming." (Isobel)

"I like Art because I like the detail and how much time it can take to make something nice." (Keira)


Year 6:

"I like sketching different things such as dragon heads and Viking boats." (Evie)

"I like Art because I love exploring different art techniques and trying new things." (Layla)

Our 'Superpower of Looking' Art Adventure!

Year 4 Roman Clay Busts 2024-25 Autumn 1

Summer Term 2024 - Whole School Art Zoom Activity

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The whole school took part in a live painting session. The session was hosted on Zoom by the artist John Dyer. He painted the Amazon rainforest and a capybara along with the children. The session was great and the children were all so engaged in the Zoom.

Summer Term 2024 - Year 5 and Year 6 Art Club

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Year 5 and 6 Art Club used clay, plaster of Paris, water colours and poster paints to make an Ocean themed piece. They really enjoyed creating it. It has been displayed in Guiseley Theatre.

Summer Term 2024 - Year 4 Muddy Puddle Day

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Art: We had already planned, sketched and painted watercolour designs of the fish we were going to print. We then made our templates using card and straws and printed them onto paper using the rollers and trays.We also used polystyrene to etch our drawings into and printed them onto paper. These were really successful.
Maths: We used the orienteering course and compasses along with chalk and lollipop sticks to investigate angles and lines of symmetry. We made 2D shapes and explored their properties.

Summer Term 2024 - Year 6 - Lino Printing Art

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We practiced different sketching techniques and then created lino printed pictures.

Year 3 Spring Volcano Art

Spring Term 2024 - Year 6 - Viking Inspired Collages

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Year 6 explored the use of woven wool and water paints to create Viking inspired collages. This video shows them working and some of their creations. All their creations can be viewed on the Class 6 page.

Spring Term 2024 - Year 5 - Cracks In The Earth

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This the Art activity from our recent Muddy Puddle Day. We made our own earthquake inspired cracks in the ground linked to our art work using chalks and charcoal.

Spring 1 Art: Anglo-Saxon brooches

Year 5 used their research into Anglo-Saxon jewellery to design and then create their own brooches or pendants using cardboard.  They used beads, string and buttons to add extra detail and painted the brooches bronze to reflect the materials they would have been made from in Anglo-Saxon times. The children experimented with attaching their own jewellery pieces using a variety of joining methods, e.g. punching holes, gluing and wrapping.

Then, on Muddy Puddle Day, the children used clay to recreate these designs. The children practiced using tools and materials to carve, add shape, cut, add texture and pattern.

Please also visit our Muddy Puddle Day video on the outdoor learning page:






Autumn Term 2023 - Year 3 - Muddy Puddle Day with Art and other subjects

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We began our day looking at the work of Artist, Frank Bowling, as part of Black History Month. We discussed his work and methods before putting paint to paper and creating our own impressionist pieces of art.

Our next activity had a spooky feel as were introduced to map reading. We had to navigate to points using a map of the school grounds and find the Halloween pictures.

We looked at the Egyptian game of Sennet and made our own version on the playground using chalk. Unfortunately, the rain washed the games away before we had chance to play them.

The rain didn't dampen our spirits and in the afternoon er worked in pairs running around our school orienteering course and answering addition and subtraction questions.

Autumn Term 2023 - Year 5 - Black History Month

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We have been making our own collages in the style of Jacob Lawrence.

Autumn Term 2023 - Year 4 Muddy Puddle Day - Black History Day, Roman Maths and Art

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We made Roman numerals using lolly sticks and soled problems containing Roman numerals. We wrote our answers in chalk on the playground. We also created Art in the afternoon as part of this Black History Month task:

Black History Month artwork
Choose a black person who inspires you. They could be someone you have learnt about from Black History or a famous black person in the present.
Think about their qualities and what they have achieved. Perhaps there are certain words, colours or symbols that come to mind when you imagine them?
In groups or individually, draw an outline of their portrait onto a piece of black card with a pencil. Use materials from around the school grounds to add colour or patterns to the space inside the outline. You could include images related to their life or quotes from them.
Display your creation proudly where you can look up to your inspirational person every day and feel inspired.

Autumn Term 2023 - Year 6 Art and Muddy Puddle Day

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We spent a wet day creating 2D and 3D art using found materials. We used the work of Josef Albers and Nelson ZePequeno as our inspiration.

Summer Term 2023 - Year 4 - Maths and Art Muddy Puddle Day

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Art: We carried out our printing activities outside on Muddy Puddle Day. We had already planned, sketched and painted watercolour designs of the fish we were going to print. We then made our templates using card and straws and printed them onto paper using the rollers and trays.
We also used polystyrene to etch our drawings into and printed them onto paper. These were really successful.
Maths: We used the orienteering maps to find the geometric shapes at each different number on the map and then wrote the properties of each shape on our sheet.
We created acute and obtuse angles using lolly pop sticks then compared the size of the angles by ordering them in ascending or descending order according to their size.
We drew 2D shapes on the playground or found 2D shapes around the school grounds. Then, with chalk, drew the lines of symmetry for that shape. We then drew simple shapes or found simple shapes and drew them alongside a line of symmetry.
We created different 3D shapes using plasticine and art straws using challenge cards.
Everyone enjoyed being outside in the fresh air being creative and mathematical!

Spring Term 2023 - Year 5 - Art on our Muddy Puddle Day

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We spent part of out MPD designing and drawing earthquake cracks. This is the video of that part. The other two videos are on the Outdoor Learning page.

Spring Term 2023 - Year 6 Art

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We have been making collages in our art lessons. We used our study of the Vikings as inspiration.

Spring Term 2023 - Year 5A - Card and Clay Brooches

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Using Anglo-Saxon inspiration we made some brooches from both clay and card.,

Spring Term 2023 - Year 4 - Art on our Muddy Puddle Day

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We used this Muddy Puddle Day to combine our maths with art to create geometrical artwork. We went indoors to make some Mayan style wraps and enhance our food preparation skills. Back outside we cooked and ate the wraps round the fire pit, learning more Health and Safety skills.
We warmed up playing Pok-a-Tok. This is a ball game where you can't use your hands or feet to move the ball. Challenging but fun.
We also acted out some of our Mayan stories.

Autumn Term 2022 - Black History Month artwork

Autumn Term 2022 - Year 4 - Muddy Puddle Day - Mosaics

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We spent the whole day outside. First we dyed wool using natural Roman methods. Then we worked out challenges using Roman symbols and lollypop sticks. Finally we made mosaics out of tiles. We had a fantastic time.

Autumn Term 2022 - Year 4 - Art and Black History Month

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We studied a number of influential black people. We then created images of them using pencil, crayon and natural materials. We hope you enjoy our pictures. Please use the pause button if you wish to examine any image more closely.

Autumn Term 2022 - Year 6 - Art Outside and Black History Month Art

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We enjoyed four different artistic activities on our Muddy Puddle Day.

Summer Term 2022 - Year 5 Art and Eco-Schools

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Year 5 have been studying the artist Rosalind Monks in their Art lessons. They linked this with their Eco-Schools work. They created their own insect sketches based on her style.

Summer Term 2022 - Year 4I - Summer Muddy Puddle Day

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The children took part in a litter survey of the school grounds followed by a litter pick linked to our eco schools topic. After break they did some outdoor maths linked to the topic of properties of shape and drew acute, obtuse and right angles on the playground in chalk. The children went into Jack's garden in the afternoon and sketched what they could see through a view finder, using Monet as inspiration, and created a water colour landscape painting.

Some of the displays around school

Summer 1 Sketching Year 3

Spring 1 Year 3 Volcanos using mixed media

Spring 1 3D Earthquake sketching Year 5

Spring Term 2022 - Class 5H - Anglo-Saxon Art

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We have been trying to imitate the superb skills of Anglo-Saxon craftsmen.

Spring Term 2022 - Class 5A - Anglo-Saxon Art

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We have been trying to imitate the superb art and craft skills of the Anglo-Saxons.

Spring Term 2022 - Class 6G - Collages

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Over several lessons we learned how to make collages. We looked first at the work of collage artist Kurt Schwitter. Then we Explored Viking images along with colour mixing and using wool. Finally we created our own collages. Remember you can you use the pause button to examine any pictures in more detail.

Autumn Term 2021 - Year 4 - Roman Mosaics and Colosseum sketching

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Harvest artwork 2021

Black History Month 2021

As part of our Ancient Egyptian topic this term the children researched Scarab beetles and how their image was used on Amulets and stamps. We then sketched our own amulets, sculpted them in clay and painted them.


"I found it interesting to learn about the scarab beetle, it was tricky rolling the clay." Evie 

"I had fun carefully scoring the back of the clay before sticking it on my amulet with slip." Lauren

"I found painting my scarab beetle enjoyable." Phoebe

"I learned that red on the scarab beetle was for growth, yellow was for the sand and desert and blue was for the River Nile." Brooke

Autumn Term 2021 - Year 5 - Space Inspired Art

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As our hook for English this term, we spent a whole day exploring Space as the stimulus for our upcoming Space Poetry unit. Whilst we are studying Earth & Space in Science this half term, we focused on thinking about how fascinating Space is and immersing ourselves in the language of Space. We wrote the questions that we wonder about on stars. Our artwork for the day saw us look out of the window of our rockets and draw the view. We started to think about expeditions to Mars and did research on the Mars Rovers (which also ties in with our DT work). Finally, we read more from our class reader with a Space theme ‘Cosmic’ by Frank Cottrell Boyce and ‘Curiosity - the story of a Mars Rover’.

Autumn Term 2021 - Year 5 - Harvest Art

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Here is some art work for the Harvest Festival, inspired by ceramic artist Clarice Cliff.

Autumn Term 2021 - Year 5 - Art inspired by Jacob Lawrence

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It's Black History Month. Jacob Lawrence was an American artist of colour. 5A used his paintings to inspire their own collages.


Summer Term 2021 - Year 6 - Hokusai And His Tsunami

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We are trying to recreate Hokusai's painting. We have been using different media to represent the waves. We hope you enjoy the Japanese Tree Frogs.

Spring Term 2021 - Year 5A - Anglo-Saxon Inspired Sculpture

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Using Anglo-Saxon art for inspiration we produced our own clay sculptures.

Spring Term 2021 - 6G - Lino Printing

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Continuing our study of Michelle Hughes, we have been learning how to make lino prints.

Spring Term 2021 - 6G - Shading Techniques

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6G are studying the work of Michelle Hughes, the Yorkshire lino print artist. Here is their introductory work.

Spring 2021 - Year 6 - Viking Art - Part 1

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There are 3 videos to watch. Part 1 is the preparatory work done by the children. Part 2 is the final artwork done by children working in school and Part 3 is the final artwork done by children working at home. there is some terrific work here. Enjoy.

Spring 2021 - Year 6 - Viking Art - Part 2

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Spring 2021 - Year 6 - Viking Art Part 3

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Spring 2021 Year 3 Art

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We have become little artists! The children have explored the artist Margaret Godfrey, linking her artwork with our Geography topic of Volcanoes. They have discussed and created their own artwork taking inspiration from Margaret's mixed media techniques using tissue paper, oil pastels, water colours etc.

5A enjoyed creating abstract pictures in autumnal colours.

Autumn 2020 Class 4I preparing for Christmas

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Armistice Day 2020 - Class 4I

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