Home Page

Contact Details

Yeadon Westfield Junior School

New Road



West Yorkshire

LS19 7HW


Telephone: 0113 2503395



Opening times: school starts at 8.55am and finishes at 3.25pm.

A total of 32.5 hours per week.


All queries of a general nature should be directed to our School Administrator Mrs Young.

Mrs Thornton is our School Business Manager who is also happy to deal with queries from parents and members of the public.

If you wish to speak to your child’s class teacher, please refer to the school's Communication Policy for our preferred method of communication. 


The staff that support Special Educational Needs and Disabled Pupils are:

SENDCO: Rebecca Whitaker

Learning mentor: Rosie Stokey


Designated staff for child protection: Lisa Piotrowicz (Head Teacher), Helen Swallow (Deputy Head Teacher) and Rosie Stokey (Learning Mentor).

Please contact school if you wish to speak to any of the above.


A paper copy of any of the documents on our website is available on request, free of charge.

If you are cycling to us, please find the Leeds cycle map here:

If you are taking the bus, please find the Metro link with the bus timetable here:

If you are walking, please find a journey planner here:


Contact School
