The Curriculum at
Yeadon Westfield Junior School
2024 - 26
Yeadon Westfield Junior School continues to use cross curricular links wherever possible to create an imaginative and exciting curriculum for all to enjoy. Our curriculum also follows the National Curriculum changes implemented since September 2014.
Yeadon Westfield Junior School
Statement of Intent
Resilient Respectful Inspired Curious
At Yeadon Westfield Junior School, we are determined to create an inclusive culture of learning where all children will be challenged in their thinking, to achieve to the best of their abilities, strive to become confident life-long learners and leave us well prepared for high school success.
We value each child's individuality and will provide a safe, stimulating, exciting environment, which nurtures creativity and curiosity through a wide range of learning experiences.
We empower our children to become resourceful, resilient and respectful citizens who are ready for life at high school and beyond. Our exciting, enjoyable curriculum will ensure that they will be listened to and that they are inspired to make valuable contributions, locally and globally, to modern Britain's sustainable future and prepare them for life in a diverse and multicultural world.
This will be achieved most effectively when, as a whole school community, we work together.