Summer Term 2 - Eco-Schools
In Year 4, we are focusing on the topic of ‘Waste’’ with a vision to reduce the amount of waste that is incurred in school.
In Year 4, children will be learning about waste and what is left behind in our school grounds. We will be carrying out waste surveys, to monitor the amount of waste left behind in our school grounds. The children will then analyse this data and attempt to come up with a solution to minimise waste left behind in school.
Additionally, the children will be working on a campaign to reduce waste in school. This will be shared with the other classes and also uploaded to the school website. The children will take part in a class litter pick and turn this rubbish into a colourful new path to brighten up the quad.
We can all make a difference to this planet, what small change can you make today that will have a huge impact upon our planet in the long term? Will the children's campaign videos make a difference to the waste left behind in school? Look out for your child in their reduce waste campaign video!
SUMMER TERM 1 - Rivers and Coasts - From sky to sea
During Summer 1, Year 4 will be learning about Rivers and Coasts in detail across the curriculum areas and largely focusing on Geography. We will be finding out where the major rivers and coasts are across the world and in the UK; how rivers and coasts have changed over time; types of settlement, land use and economic activity that can be found along rivers and coasts plus what the water cycle is and the importance of it.
We will be using books, maps, atlases, globes and computers to research, map and locate the rivers and coasts from around the world and in the UK. We will be sketching dragonflies and doing a print of their sketch in Art. In Science, we are finding out about grouping and classifying animals including humans and creating their own classification keys, plus finding out about human impact on the environment.
SPRING TERM 2 - The Mysterious Maya
During Spring 2, Year 4 will be learning about the Mayan civilisation in detail across the curriculum areas and largely focusing on History. We will be finding out who the Mayan people were and what their civilisation was like; what their place in History was; what evidence is there that tells us about the past; what was life like during the Mayan civilisation in comparison to life in Ancient Egypt; their achievements and religious beliefs.
We will be using artefacts, books, maps, atlases, globes and computers to research, map and locate the Maya and investigate their civilisation further. We will be looking at food and healthy and varied diets in DT.
SPRING TERM 1 - Mighty Mountains
During Spring 1, Year 4 will be learning about mountains in detail across the curriculum areas and largely focusing on geography. We will be locating the key mountain ranges in the world; what are the key features of mountains and understand aspects of physical geography. We will also find out about human geography, how mountains affect tourism, the role of the mountain rescue team and debating whether tourists should be allowed to visit dangerous mountain regions.
We will be using maps, atlases, globes and computers to research, map, locate countries and describe features studied. We will be designing shell shelters in DT to aid survival on mountains.
Autumn Term - The Ruthless Romans
Miss Whitaker and Mrs Scargill have been so pleased to have the children back in the classroom since September. They have settled back into new routines well and have really enjoyed seeing their friends again. They have had a fun filled few days and there were a few tired faces by Friday home time! Thanks to all parents as we had children dropped off promptly at the new time, hair tied up and water bottles remembered each day.
We will be beginning the new term by recapping and supporting the children with their key numeracy and literacy skills, trying to ensure we fill as many gaps as we can. Our first few weeks of writing will have a grammar and punctuation focus, linking with our history topic. We are calling this 'Every Time We Write' and will be encouraging the children to use accurate punctuation, from full stops to inverted commas to prepositional phrases. Maths will be place value, addition and subtraction reinforcing and extending their existing knowledge.
Our topic in the Autumn term is ‘The Ruthless Romans’, where we will study the Ancient Roman way of life, the Roman Empire its impact on Britain today. We will find out about their achievements and compare this to our way of life today and also the Ancient Egyptians which the children studied in year 3.
Art is fantastic this term. Children will study the skill of mosaic making and will create their own. They will also study Roman architecture and do plenty of sketching, using new skills to provide shade and tone to their work.
P.E. days for both year 4 classes will be Thursday and Friday. At present swimming lessons are postponed until further notice, until we get the go ahead, so children will be doing a second P.E session in school. They do not need to come to school in their PE kit. PE will be outside as much as possible so please bring warm outside kit.
Also remember if they have a school hoodie they can wear that inside school at the moment if the feel the need, as we will be opening windows to ventilate the classroom.
Thank you!
4K and 4I prepared themselves for Halloween with this interesting set of outfits. Some of them are pretty scary and all of them show lots of imagination.
We look forward to seeing you on the Year 4 Meet The Teacher zoom meeting at 4.30pm on Tuesday 29th September. Please see your emails for details.
Year 4 teachers
For anyone who couldn't attend, please see the word document below : )