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Year 3

Healthy Living - Summer Term 2

In Summer 2 the whole school theme is Eco-schools. In Year 3, we will be focusing on ’Healthy Living’ by focusing on what it means to look after our bodies and our minds. We aim to carry this out by creating individual Mindfulness books focusing on personal goals of ways to connect, to give, to keep learning, to be active and to take notice. We have an exciting project planned and led by the children to continue to improve ‘Jack's’ garden in our school grounds where we will decorate with our own wind chimes and dream catchers. Finally, we will celebrate our final project with a picnic in the garden reflecting on our time spent there. Alongside the whole school theme, year 3 will be studying ‘Light’ (plenty of sunshine required!) in science and we have a food focus in DT, learning about healthy and varied diets.

Summer Term 2022 - Year 3 - Sandwich Making

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The children looked at what constitutes a balanced healthy diet, then evaluated pre packaged sandwiches, for their taste, smell, texture and appearance. They then went on to designing their own healthy sandwich. The children practised their cutting techniques using the bridge and claw method and grated some of the ingredients. Later they made their designed sandwich and evaluated it : )

Yorkshire - Summer Term 1

Our first Science theme this term, will involve investigating the different parts of a plant, paying particular attention to the parts of a flower and the jobs that each part carries out. We will also find out about plant life cycles. We will try to grow our own plants and investigate different conditions a plant needs to flourish. Our art focus will be drawing sketching and painting plants and flowers. In Geography, we look at look at the human and physical features of Yorkshire.


Footprints from the Past - Spring Term 2

Our topic this half term is linked to The Stone Age to the Iron Age period in history where we will be looking at how people lived within this time. We will be going to Skelton Grange which will be a great introduction to this period. In Science, we will be learning about skeletons and muscle during this half term. We will be looking at careers and financial responsibilities in PSHE and who can inspire us in our RE work.

Spring Term 2022 - The Climbing Tower

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The climbing tower has been in school. All year 3 had a go.

Spring Term 2022 - Class 3L - The Stone Age - Video 1

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Year 3 all went to Skelton Grange Environment Centre so do some Stone Age activities. This video is one group of 3L pupils. Sorry about the building site racket on the videos.

Spring Term 2022 - Class 3L - The Stone Age

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This video is the other part of Class 3L at Skelton Grange.

Spring Term 2022 - 3L - Science Day

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We came to school dressed as scientists - see our pictures. We also went outside and built Gentoo penguin nests from found materials. We tested them for resistance to wind and water.

Spring Term 2022 - World Book Day

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March 3rd.was World Book Day. The children were invited to come to school dressed up as an adjective. During the day they were involved with various reading activities. Here are some pictures of then dressed as adjectives. All the school winners can be viewed at Curriculum - English - Reading.

What Makes the Earth Angry? Spring Term 1


The first half of this term we will be looking at volcanoes across different curriculum subjects. We will learn about the earth’s structure and different types of rocks and soils within our science work and in Geography, we will be exploring the location of well-known volcanoes. In Art, we will be creating volcano pictures based on work of American artist Margaret Godfrey, introducing children to shading techniques and different mediums. In PE, we will be learning the basics of Karate and we will also focus on dance and the stages of a volcano eruption. We will be making our own volcanoes, using them to produce our own volcanic eruptions!

Adventure down the Nile: Autumn Term

In the Autumn term, we begin with transition activities where the children will learn about life at the Junior school and settle into our routines. We will also be discovering what life was like 3000 years ago in Ancient Egypt in our exciting topic ‘Adventure down the River Nile. We will be learning who the Ancient Egyptians were, their life, the importance of the River Nile, the fascinating pyramids and comparing life then with today. In Science, we will be looking at ‘Forces and Magnets’, comparing and grouping a variety of everyday materials based on whether they are attracted to a magnet. During our work on forces, we will investigate how things move on different surfaces. Design Technology will involve investigating and making levers and linkages during our mechanical systems work. In computing, we will learn basic word processing skills and in PE we will be practising our ball hockey skills and dancing.


In other areas of the curriculum, Year 3 will be starting to learn French, including greetings and numbers to 10, as well as being able to say how old they are

