Our topic for the whole of this term is Yorkshire. We will look at sketching and drawing landscapes in art as well as the art of David Hockney. In Science we will be studying living things and their habitats, classifying them and studying Carl Linnaeus, a pioneer in classification. In Geography we will learn about the counties of the Uk, geography and particularly focus on the human and physical features of Yorkshire.
We will, of course, be getting ready for going to Herd Farm, so a lot of our topic work will be linked to this. We will plan routes to Herd Farm and research the local area.
We will also complete a lot of work on transition to high school, including learning how to back books and we will practise bringing books in on the correct time using planners similar to those we will use at high school. And we will, of course, be practising for our Leaver’s Concert!
SPRING TERM 2018 - All the Fun of the Fair
This half term we are looking at all things linked to the circus, the fair, theme parks and zoos!! Hopefully we will be doing some work based on The Greatest Showman too as our children seem to be particularly excited about this film!!
Look out for some work coming soon!!
Autumn 2
The Vikings!!
It is now Autumn 2 (where did Autumn 1 go!?) and we have been learning all about the Vikings! We have had a very exciting start to this half term. For our English, we went down to Esholt Woods dressed as Vikings, imagining we had just arrived on British shores and were about to attack and raid a monastery! We used this experience to help us describe a wood setting.
We then pretended we were Vikings and monks and attacked each other! This was great fun!
Last Thursday, we had some Viking visitors from Jorvick Viking Centre and we learnt lots of things about Viking clothes, homes, jobs and weapons. Some of us were dressed up to re-enact a Viking saga.
George - ' ...they look really imaginative. We got to design our own and write a message on the backs for our parents. I had fun making them and so did everyone in the class'.
Isla W - ' I liked making the cards because it gave us a chance to do a different challenge'.
Joseph E - 'I enjoyed making Christmas cards because they were 3D. I made my card for my mum'.
Alana S - 'It was enjoyable making a 3D card and very imaginative'.
Alesia - I really enjoyed doing Viking writing because I love writing and I could show Miss Swallow I could write a story with lots of imagination.
Niamh - In Year 6 we have enjoyed doing writing about Vikings (our topic). We used lots of adjectives, conjunctions and some subordinate clauses.
Evie - The whole Viking topic was fun and interesting because we got to see real Viking artefacts.
Rory - 'I really enjoyed pizza making because we got to taste different pizzas including vegetable supreme, spicy chicken, meat feast and ham and pineapple'.
Alex R - ' I have really enjoyed pizza making because we got to try other pizzas to get ideas for our own'.
Sam R - '...we got to design our own types of pizzas and eat them'.
Oliver C - '...we got the chance to cook which was great fun'.
'I really enjoyed making a routine and mixing moves together that we had been taught' - Evie W
Erin H - 'I really enjoyed making a routine with my group in gymnastics and learn new moves'.
'In P.E we also played benchball. It was great fun as we got to be in teams and work together with our friends' - Owen and Jack
Holly - 'I really enjoyed the anti-bullying activities because it was fun to express your personality through short sentences and drawing'. It was interesting to see how different everyone is'.
Amelia F - 'During Anti-bullying week it showed us why it is important not to bully as it makes people feel sad and lonely'.
Isobel - '... this week showed us why we should not bully and what to do if we are'.
Isla L - ' I really enjoyed the Viking Workshop because the people from 'Jorvik Viking Centre' really got into character'.
William/ Marek - '... I learnt so much about the Vikings such as how Vikings used to live'.
Katy - 'I enjoyed learning about the Vikings because we went to Esholt Woods and I felt like a real Viking'.
Marek - 'We really enjoyed finding places to hide when we were pretending to be Vikings'
'Our team worked together really well and we discussed our ideas with
each other' (Evie)
'This experience of making an Anderson shelter was really great fun' (George)
'I found it hard when the shelters roof fell down!' (Erin)
'I really hope we do something like this again' (Isla W)
'I found making the base challenging but i still enjoyed it' (Louie)
'I loved it when we made the inside of our Anderson shelter' (William)
Thwaites Mill
We had a great day at Thwaites Mill on Thursday 14th September learning all about what life was like during World War 2. Everyone experienced the noise of an air raid siren and having to rush to an 'Anderson' shelter. Katy said, "It felt like I was actually in the time of WW2!"
We also learnt all about rationing and the money that was used during WW2. Rory thought money was much more complicated then and Erin thought it was interesting to learn about how little food a family had to live on for the week. "I wouldn't have liked the powdered egg!"
Marek also enjoyed learning about how Thwaites Mill helped during WW2. "I learnt how putty was made at the mill and how it was used to fix windows that had been bombed."
Roald Dahl Day - 13.09.17
On Roald Dahl day we came to school dressed up as characters from his amazing stories. Can you guess who we are?
We also created wicked spells using our knowledge of adjectives and nouns. We followed the pattern 'adjective, adjective, adjective, noun'. We hope you enjoy our spells!
"I loved creating potions like George from George's Marvellous Medicine. Mine had toads eyes and slugs brains in it!" (Katy).
Welcome to a new year!
We've had a great start in 6G! We have a new addition to the class - Oggy the pig! By being kind and helpful to each other means we can fill him with pennies and when we've filled him with 100 pennies, we'll earn a class reward!
This week we have launched our new topic of World War 2 by making medals, spitfires, an evacuee suitcase and an ARP helmet - pictures to follow soon. Miss Swallow had also surprised us by building an Andersan shelter in the classroom!
Next week we are looking forward to celebrating Roald Dahl day and going to Thwaites Mill on our first trip.
Last July the children in 6G entered a competition to design a birthday card to celebrate David Hockney's 80th birthday. Although the children have just left, their art work and the two winners, Kokolo and Karen had their work displayed in Salts Mill as part of the Saltaire Festival. Miss Swallow visited and took some photos of the art work on display and wanted to share it. Well done last year's 6G!