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Computing at YWJS

Computing Statement of Intent


Resilient          Respectful         Inspired       Curious


Computing specialists at Yeadon Westfield Junior School


At Yeadon Westfield Junior school, we aim is to provide a high-quality computing education which equips children to use computational thinking and creativity to understand and change the world. The intent of our computing curriculum will teach children key knowledge about how computers and computer systems work, and how they are designed and programmed. It is our vision that learners will have the opportunity to gain an understanding of computational systems of all kinds, whether or not they include computers, and allow them to develop creativity, resilience, problem-solving and critical thinking skills.


At YWJS our children are given the opportunities to develop their computer skills using a range of IT equipment, including a full computing suite and ipads, to provide them with the computing knowledge that they will need for the rest of their lives. We use an adapted curriculum based on the Teach Computing Curriculum scheme of work by the NCC, which includes the important coverage of online safety. This has also been adapted to meet the needs of the children that attend YWJS and also linked to our whole school curriculum themes.


We strive to inspire our pupils to use technology safely, respectfully and responsibly. We want our children to have gained key knowledge and skills and a curiosity in the three main areas of the computing curriculum: computer science (programming and understanding how digital systems work), information technology (using computer systems to store, retrieve and send information) and digital literacy (evaluating digital content and using technology safely and respectfully). The objectives within each strand support the development of learning across the key stages, ensuring a solid grounding for future learning and beyond. We aim to give our pupils the life-skills that will allow them to operate in the 21st century workplace.

Summer Term 2024 - Year 5 - Editing Videos With iMovie

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We used different filming techniques and then planned and performed our own movies on a theme of our choice. We even brought in some props! There are 5 separate movies here - each separated by a camera lens.

Autumn Term 2023 - Year 5 - Computing with Crumble

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Year 5 used physical computing to explore the concept of selection in programming through the use of the Crumble programming environment. They used the microcontroller (Crumble controller) and learnt how to connect and program it to control components (including output devices — LEDs and motors).

Summer term 2023 - Year 4 - Image Manipulation

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The children have been creating infinite loop codes and count controlled-loops to control their Sprite on the screen. Their sprites looked like they were spinning! The programme they used was Scratch. They then animated their names by creating letters that spun or changed colour using repeated sequences (codes). Here are some screenshots of their creations.

Spring Term 2023 - Year 6 - Safer Internet Day

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Safer Internet Day was on Feb. 7th. This video show some of the discussions and activities in which Year 6 pupils took part.

Spring Term 2023 - Year 5 - Vector Drawings

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This half term Year 5 have used Publisher in their Computing lessons to create vector drawings. They have learnt how to use different drawing tools to help them create images. They were able to recognise that images in vector drawings are created using shapes and lines, and each individual element in the drawing is called an object. They were able to also layer their objects and begin grouping and duplicating them to create a more complex final piece of work.

Summer Term 2022 - Year 5 - Making and Editing a Video

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We worked in small groups learning how to create short videos. We developed our skills of capturing, editing and manipulating video. We worked collaboratively and considered the use of zoom, angle and movements.

Spring Term 2022 - Year 3 - Stop-Frame Animations

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3L used their iPads to create a stop animation video. They first of all drew their own characters and backgrounds before making their video. They used a technique called onion skinning (ask them) to help them with their creations.

William and Adam Y3

- We really enjoyed the stop motion work. We had a jungle theme with the person swinging on a branch.

- Our theme was a football theme where we were scoring goals.

Spring Term - Year 4

Microsoft Excel (Spreadsheets) and Data loggers

Year 4 were meteorologists during the Spring term and looked at how to measure and record the weather. They looked at different types of weather data loggers and also used excel to graph the weather for themselves.

Will and Rome Year 4

- We learnt how to use the dataloggers. We used them to collect data about heat, light and sound.

- We had fun using the dataloggers to measure the temperature of the chocolate whilst we made some rice krispie buns. They were yummy.

Spring Term 2022 - Class 5A - Creating Vector Drawings

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In this unit, we start to create vector drawings. We learn how to use different drawing tools to help us create images. We recognise that images in vector drawings are created using shapes and lines, and each individual element in the drawing is called an object. We layer our objects and begin grouping and duplicating them to support the creation of more complex pieces of work. These are 5A's creations.

Spring Term 2022 - Class 5H - Creating Vector Drawings

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In this unit, we start to create vector drawings. We learn how to use different drawing tools to help us create images. We recognise that images in vector drawings are created using shapes and lines, and each individual element in the drawing is called an object. We layer our objects and begin grouping and duplicating them to support the creation of more complex pieces of work. These are 5H's creations.

Sam and Mia Year 5

- We learnt to use vector drawings as if we were creating our own advertising leaflets. It was a bit challenging at times learning a new programme but we had set by set instructions to help us.

Spring Term 2022 - Class 6M - Tinkercad

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Tinkercad is a brilliant piece of software. We used it to design a desk pencil stand. We could see the design in three dimensions. We could print one out with a 3-D printer (if we had one!). Here are some short videos of our designs.

Spring Term 2022 - Class 6G - Tinkercad

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Tinkercad is a brilliant piece of software. We used it to design a desk pencil stand. We could see the design in three dimensions. We could print one out with a 3-D printer (if we had one!). Here are some short videos of our designs.

Rayven and Izzy Year 6

- We used Tinkercad to make things 3D. It was amazing. We made things like houses, pencil pots and key chains. We felt like professionals! 

Autumn Term 2021 - Year 3 - Computer Systems and Networks making connections.

How am I connected?

In this lesson, Year 3 explored how digital devices can be connected and used our own connections to send messages around the room. We learnt about Networks and Network Switches.

Autumn Term 2021 - Year 4 - The Internet

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Year 4 have been researching internet issues. Here is a selection of their work. Remember you can use the pause button to spend more time on any page.

Autumn Term 2021 - Year 5 - Programming Using Crumbles

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Children used physical computing to explore the concept of selection in programming through the use of the Crumble programming environment. They were introduced to a microcontroller (Crumble controller) and learnt how to connect and program it to control components (including output devices — LEDs and motors). They were introduced to conditions as a means of controlling the flow of actions in a program. They made use of their knowledge of repetition and conditions when introduced to the concept of selection (through the ‘if...then...’ structure) and wrote algorithms and programs that utilised this concept.

Mia and Sam Year 5

- Using the crumbles was fantastic. We linked it to our Mars Rover DT work. It was challenging to start off with but it was great working with my partner to make the programme work. 

Autumn Term 2021 - Year 5 - Computer Systems

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This half term Year 5 have been developing their understanding of computer systems and how information is transferred between systems and devices.
They have considered small-scale systems as well as large-scale systems. They have explained the input, output, and process aspects of a variety of different real-world systems. As their final piece of work, they used Microsoft Teams to take part in a collaborative online project with other class members and develop their skills in working together online. We linked this with our Ancient Greek work in history about Greek gods and goddesses.

Autumn Term 2021 - Year 5 used Sketchup to create their own Ancient Greek inspired architecture.

Autumn Term 2021 - Year 6 - Communication Through The Internet

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We designed our own version of our school website. We found that the more links you have, the more hits you get.
We then investigated which platform was best for different types of communication.
Remember you can use the Pause button if you wish to spend more time on any page.

Autumn Term 2021 - Funzone

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During Funzone children from across the school had fun programming InO-Bots to move using Scratch.
The InO-Bots connect via a Bluetooth connection and have a two-way communication so that children can see the outputs respond in real time. The clear shell also allows children to see the LEDs light up clearly and identify some of the components that make InO-Bot work.

'Alan Turing gave us a mathematical model of digital computing that has completely withstood the test of time. He gave us a very, very clear description that was truly prophetic.'

George Dyson
